Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Believe in yourself

This is a reprint of a blog post by my fellow writer, Jill Sadowsky.  She's supportive and she inspires me to write and keep on writing.

New post on Jill's Experiences with Mental Health

Believe in yourself

by Jill

How many of us say; 'I'll do it tomorrow?'
How many of us mean to do things but seldom get around to doing them?
Well, one day, my neighbor asked whether I'd like to spend the day with her. "Sure," I said. "Where are we going?"
"Surprise,"was all she would say.
We got into her car and drove  for a few miles then turned down a narrow road that was more like a path than a real road. On the right side as we drove in, I saw a handwritten sign in large upper case letters that read; DAFFODIL GARDEN.
We got out of the car and walked along the path. As we turned the corner, I looked up and gasped.  It looked as if someone had taken a great amount of gold and poured it over the mountain's slopes. The flowers bloomed in swirling patterns of deep orange, lemon, salmon and buttercup yellow. Each group of colors was planted in such a way so that it seemed to flow like a stream; each its own hue. What amazed me was that there were about  five acres of flowers.
"But ... who did this?" I asked my neighbor. "One woman was responsible for it all and she lives in that small house over there. We walked toward it and on the patio saw a poster saying;
Answers to all questions -
  • The first answer was; 50,000 bulbs.
  •  The second answer was; one at a time, by one woman;  two hands, two feet sand one brain.
  •  The third answer; began in 1958.
I thought of the woman I'd never met, who had begun forty years ago, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountaintop. By planting one bulb at a time, year after year, the unknown woman had forever changed the world and created something of extraordinary beauty and inspiration to others
Don't wait for tomorrow to say; "I love you. Say it now."
Don't wait for next week to organize your desk. Make time to do it.
Don't wait for tomorrow to start that healthy eating plan. Start now.
Don't wait till you retire to take that overseas trip that you have always wanted to take.
Don't visit family abroad only when it's for a funeral. Go when everyone is healthy and enjoy their company.
If you believe in something, it can come to pass. Believe in yourself.
Jill | 16/04/2012 at 5:06 pm | Categories: Mental Health Resources | URL:
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